CENTRAL Conference
Jesus in the neighbourhood
November 01-03, 2024
What does it look like when Jesus moves into the neighbourhood? Everywhere Jesus went, there was light. The hopeless received hope, the sick were healed, the bound were set free, the poor were cared for, the disoriented received purpose – in short: the Kingdom of God has come. How can we, as representatives of Jesus, as the Body of Christ, extend the Kingdom of God in our world? What difference can it make when followers of Jesus receive the power of the Holy Spirit and start washing the feet of their neighbourhood?
At the CENTRAL CONFERENCE, we want to get to the bottom of these questions, feel God’s concerns for our world and fill up on the power of the Holy Spirit to go into all the world and imitate Jesus. We will look at how we as Christians can be a difference in our neighborhood.
Nicola Neal

Gary Best
Abbotsford, Canada

John Nimmo